Speaking of Syphilis

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that has been on the rise in the United States. According to the latest CDC statistics, the incidence of reported syphilis cases has increased nearly 74% since 2017. Keep reading to learn the facts on syphilis and how to prevent contracting this infection.

Key Facts You Should Know

  • Fact 1: Syphilis is a treatable STI. Because syphilis is a bacterial infection, this condition can be treated with antibiotics similar to chlamydia and gonorrhea. (Fun Fact: You may have heard of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. This clinical study enrolled Black men with syphilis but denied them access to treatment which is extremely unethical. Since this study which occurred in the 1970’s, ethical guidelines were established to ensure future participants, especially minorities, are protected in medical research.)
  • Fact 2: Serious complications can arise if left untreated. Signs and symptoms of syphilis include rash on the hands and/or feet, as well as a single or multiple sore around the mouth or genitalia which is often painless. In many cases, the sores can heal on their own. However, the syphilis infection can still be left in the body causing neurological issues as well as changes in hearing and vision.
  • Fact 3: All those who are sexually active are at risk for infection. Syphilis is spread through direct contact with a sore. Thus, like any other STI, it is important to use condoms and get STI testing prior to engaging in risky behaviors. While these behaviors may minimize risk, the only guarantee of not contracting the infection is abstinence.
  • Fact 4: It is highly recommended that pregnant women receive at least one syphilis test during pregnancy. If you test positive for syphilis, it is important to seek treatment right away because there is a possibility you may pass the infection to the unborn baby. Complications can arise during pregnancy including low birthweight and delivery prematurely.

As stated, syphilis is on the rise, but luckily there is a cure. Take ownership of your sexual health and schedule an appointment for STI screening. 

  1. Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, 2021. Published April 11, 2023. Accessed January 21, 2024. https://www.cdc.gov/std/statistics/2021/default.htm

Screen Sisters, Screen! Understanding Pap Smears

According to the World Health Organization, cervical cancer is the fourth most prevalent cancer among women.¹ The American Cancer Society estimates that over 13,000 women were diagnosed in 2023 alone.² Early detection of cervical cancer is key to increasing the likelihood of survivorship. Luckily, women can opt to receive pap smears to find any abnormalities present in the cervix. Keep reading to understand the key reasons why you should get screened!

Reason 1. Screening saves lives. The statistics don’t lie! Since the implementation of systematic cervical cancer screenings in the US from the 1960’s, cervical cancer incidence and deaths have declined by 75%.³ This statistic alone should encourage you to get screened!

Reason 2. Pap smears are especially for those who are at higher risk of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is 6 times more likely among women living with HIV.1 Furthermore, the human papilloma virus (HPV), is another sexually transmitted virus that is strongly linked with cervical cancer. While most HPV infections can clear on their own, unresolved infections can lead to cervical cancer. Lastly, cervical cancer is more prevalent among African-American women.⁴ Women in any of the categories mentioned above should strongly consider getting routine cervical cancer screening.

Reason 3. The exam itself can be done within minutes. Not only is the procedure fast, but you can schedule this exam in the office of a trusted provider. This may be different from receiving a breast mammogram, where oftentimes a referral is needed. Within this exam, the provider will obtain cells from the cervix to be sent for laboratory testing.

To conclude, cervical cancer is a treatable disease if detected early. It is important to have discussion with your provider regarding an appropriate screening schedule based on your age and prior pap smear results. Please schedule an appointment with us for your pap smear!

  1. Cervical cancer. Accessed January 8, 2024. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/cervical-cancer
  2. Cervical Cancer Statistics | Key Facts About Cervical Cancer. Accessed January 8, 2024. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/cervical-cancer/about/key-statistics.html
  3. Safaeian M, Solomon D, Castle PE. Cervical cancer prevention–cervical screening: science in evolution. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2007;34(4):739-ix. doi:10.1016/j.ogc.2007.09.004
  4. Yu L. Rural–Urban and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Invasive Cervical Cancer Incidence in the United States, 2010–2014. Prev Chronic Dis. 2019;16. doi:10.5888/pcd16.180447

Perspectives on Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases (PID)

Pelvic inflammatory disease affects nearly 1 million women in the United States each year.¹ This infection is caused by bacteria that spreads to the upper reproductive tract causing pain in the pelvic region. Get an introduction to this condition with the quick facts below!

7 Common Questions about PID 

  • How do I contract Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases?
    PID is a complication of commonly treatable sexually transmitted infections. In many cases, PID can result from untreated chlamydia and gonorrhea bacterial infections. However, PID can also result from other bacterial infections that are not sexually transmitted.
  • What organs are impacted by PID?
    This infection can affect organs of the reproductive tract including the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes.
  • What are some signs and symptoms?
    PID can cause many symptoms including abnormal bleeding patterns including bleeding after sex or in between menstrual cycles, abnormal and odorous discharge, fever, pain during urination or sex, and pelvic pain in general. 
  • Is this a curable condition?
    PID can be cured with antibiotics if treated early on. Delaying treatment can result in permanent damage to reproductive organs.
  • I had PID once before, can I get it again?
    Yes, you can get this infection again. In fact, those who have a history of PID are at higher risk of reinfection.
  • What happens if PID is left untreated?
    If this infection is left untreated, complications may including scarring of reproductive organs, difficulties conceiving (infertility), and chronic pelvic pain.
  • How can I prevent PID in the future?
    If sexually active, use contraceptives to prevent the spread of STIs and get frequent STI testing. Also, refrain from douching, which can spread bacteria from the vagina to organs of the reproductive tract.

The symptoms of PID are quite similar to other gynecological conditions. Thus, if you are experiencing any symptoms above, it is important to consult with your provider. Schedule an appointment with us for any of your gynecological concerns.

  1. What is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID? Accessed December 17, 2023. https://www.health.ny.gov/publications/3804/#

 Infertility Insights

Infertility is more common than you suspect. About 20% of women are unable to conceive for the first time after one year of trying.¹ It is important to note that fertility challenges can also be attributed to male-specific factors. However, in this article we will highlight some of the risk factors of infertility among women. Keep reading!

Risk Factors of Infertility

  1. Smoking. Smoking has been proven to impact fertility in both men and women. For women, research indicates that smoking can impact hormone production, making it more difficult for a woman to conceive. 
  2. Alcohol. Drinking alcohol in moderation is not a risk factor. However, consuming alcohol in excess can increase risk of infertility. One study found that those who are dealing with alcoholism may be at higher risk of early menopause, affecting their potential to conceive.
  3. Age. After the age of 30, one’s fertility begins to decline. This decline becomes more rapid by age 35 and by the age of 45 conceiving naturally is highly unlikely. As women age, so do the eggs in her ovaries and the overall number of eggs decreases with time– this is one of the hallmarks of menopause.
  4. Weight. Maintaining a healthy body weight can minimize risk of infertility because your body will more likely be able to produce the right amount of estrogen. Being overweight or obese can increase the amount of the estrogen hormone produced in your body. Similar to estrogen birth controls, this excess amount of estrogen can prevent or delay ovulation, a necessary process needed to conceive. Being underweight can also increase risk for infertility because the body may stop producing estrogen. A lack of estrogen may stop ovulation altogether.
  5. Conditions of the reproductive tract. In order to conceive, you need a functional reproductive system. Conditions that impact your reproductive tract may make it difficult to conceive. For example, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can cause difficulties with ovulation and endometriosis can cause growths of tissue in the fallopian tubes making it difficult for an egg to be implanted for fertilization. Sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea can also impact the structure and function of the fallopian tubes.

At Trust Women’s Healthcare we provide a stigma free environment especially for women that may have difficulty conceiving. Schedule an appointment with us for fertility counseling services.

  1. Infertility | CDC. Published April 26, 2023. Accessed December 11, 2023. https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/infertility/index.htm

Making Meaning of Menopause: Nourishing Your Noggin

With an aging US population, Alzhemiers and Dementia have been a hot topic around aging. These conditions are diseases which impact the brain that can lead to changes in daily function. The onset of menopause can influence the production, connectivity, and death of brain cells. These dynamics, in turn, can impact brain regions essential for memory.¹ However, there are steps one can take to minimize the progression of cognitive decline that occurs during aging–keep reading to find out!

Preventive steps for optimal brain health

  1. Eating healthy. Did you know brain health is connected to heart health? Those with cardiovascular diseases are at higher risk for diseases such Alzhiemers.  Thus, it comes with no surprise that eating plenty of fruits and vegetables–and even fish can be beneficial for the brain. Specifically, research has proven that Mediterranean diets can significantly decrease risk of such brain impairments.²
  2. Physical activity. Staying physically active and eating a balanced diet often go hand-in-hand. In terms of brain health, this is no exception. Exercise does not just impact your physical health, but moderate exercise can also help protect against cognitive decline. Consider ways you can include more physical activity into your daily routines.
  3. Social Interaction. Research indicates that individuals with strong social connections are less prone to cognitive decline. One study revealed that individuals experiencing loneliness may face up to a 40% increased risk of dementia.³ Engaging in social activities not only enhances attention and memory, but also may strengthen the connections between brain cells. You may want to consider connecting with old friends, or perhaps joining different social groups such as places of worship or volunteering organizations. 
  4. Brain Exercises. Engaging in moderately difficult cognitive tasks may delay the onset of certain neurological diseases. One study found that those who had more engagement in cognitive tasks such as reading and completing puzzles, were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s later in life in comparison to those who were diagnosed at a younger age with lower activity levels. As you age, continue to read, whether that’s a book, news article, or blogs like this one. Even if you are not a fan of reading, engaging in mindfulness games such as chess can provide benefits!

In many cases, it is easy to overlook the connection between brain health and menopause. However, there are several opportunities to prevent or delay declines in cognitive function as we age. If you have any questions or concerns regarding what to expect during your transition into menopause, schedule an appointment with us!!

  1. Goldstein. Menopause and memory: Know the facts. Harvard Health. Published November 3, 2021. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/menopause-and-memory-know-the-facts-202111032630
  2. MPH MT MD. What’s good for the heart is good for the mind. Harvard Health. Published November 23, 2018. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/whats-good-for-the-heart-is-good-for-the-mind-2018112315405
  3. Sutin AR, Stephan Y, Luchetti M, Terracciano A (2018) Loneliness and risk of dementia. J Gerontol Series B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 75, 1414–1422.

Trichonomics: 9 Facts on Trichomoniasis

Out of the common sexually transmitted infections (STIs), trichomoniasis is a condition less familiar to many. Unlike prevalent bacterial infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea,  trichomoniasis is a parasitic infection. Despite its unfamiliarity, nearly 2 million people in the United States were diagnosed with this condition in 2018.¹ Keep reading to learn the facts about this STI.

The Facts

Obesity is linked to several chronic diseases including the following:

  1. This STI is caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis.
  2. Some individuals have a higher likelihood of trichomoniasis infection. Women tend to have a higher prevalence than men. Also, studies have found that older women, and women of African American women tend to have a higher prevalence compared to other ethnic groups.ibid
  3. This STI is passed through unprotected sexual contact with a person with the parasitic infection. 
  4. In many cases, individuals with the infection are asymptomatic. Only 30% of individuals with this infection have symptoms which may include discomfort during urination and sex, abnormal vaginal discharge, and itching or burning in the vaginal region.²
  5. A person that is asymptomatic with trichomoniasis can still spread the infection to others.
  6. Like many other STIs, this condition is diagnosed by getting a swab of the vaginal region and sending it to a lab for confirmation of the presence of the parasite.
  7. Trichomoniasis is a curable condition. Providers can prescribe medications to eliminate the parasite. However, in the meantime sexual activity should be paused until the completion of medication. 
  8. Complications may arise from this infection if left untreated. For example, there is an increased likelihood of contracting HIV. Furthermore, pregnant women with trichomoniasis are at risk of having a preterm delivery..1
  9. Abstinence from sexual activity is the best way to prevent contracting trichomoniasis. However, wearing condoms and getting STI screenings with your partner prior to engaging in sexual behaviors can minimize your risk.

The information above is a brief overview of Trichomoniasis. However, if you have further questions about this condition, or concerns about your sexual health overall, schedule an appointment with us!

  1. CDC – Trichomoniasis Statistics. Published April 5, 2021. Accessed November 18, 2023. https://www.cdc.gov/std/trichomonas/stats.htm
  2. STD Facts – Trichomoniasis. Published June 28, 2022. Accessed November 18, 2023. https://www.cdc.gov/std/trichomonas/stdfact-trichomoniasis.htm

Weight & Wisdom: Obesity as a Risk Factor

Obesity has become increasingly prevalent in the United States over the past few decades. Obesity is determined by body mass index (BMI), which is a ratio between an individual’s weight and height. Some may attribute the rise in obesity to the poor American diet. Others believe this increase is associated with the rise of technology, and the subsequent decrease in physical activity. Unfortunately, African American women are disproportionately affected by this condition as 80% of Black women are overweight or obese.¹ Below, you will find the importance of maintaining a healthy body weight.

Health conditions linked to obesity

Obesity is linked to several chronic diseases including the following:

  1. Diabetes. Obesity is the primary risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Obese women are at least 28 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes in comparison to women of normal weight.²
  1. Cardiovascular disease. Obesity can have negative impacts on heart health. Excessive fat can raise bad cholesterol levels. Also, obesity can cause an increase in blood pressure, which may eventually lead to heart attack. Heart attacks are more prevalent among obese individuals. 
  1. Cancer. Obesity is linked to 13 types of cancer.³ These include cancers that predominantly affect women such as breast, uterine, and ovarian cancers. Researchers believe obesity can trigger inflammation from the immune system and cause imbalance in hormone regulation which may lead to the development of cancer. 
  1. Mental health. In addition to physical health, obesity can impact emotional and mental wellness. Those who are obese are likely to experience depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.⁴ 

There are many more conditions that are linked to obesity in addition to what is mentioned above. The good news is, losing weight is not impossible! At Trust Women’s Healthcare, we offer medically-managed weight loss services. If you are ready to transform your health, schedule an appointment with us!

  1.  Obesity and African Americans | Office of Minority Health. Accessed November 3, 2023. https://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/obesity-and-african-americans
  2.  Barnes AS. The epidemic of obesity and diabetes: trends and treatments. Tex Heart Inst J. 2011;38(2):142-144.
  3.  Obesity and Cancer | CDC. Published August 14, 2023. Accessed November 13, 2023. https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/obesity/index.htm
  4.  Sarwer DB, Polonsky HM. The Psychosocial Burden of Obesity. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2016;45(3):677-688. doi:10.1016/j.ecl.2016.04.016

A Guide for Gestational Diabetes

A Guide for Gestational Diabetes

Many have heard of diabetes, but what does it mean when it’s gestational? Gestational diabetes is diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. Each year, up to 10% of pregnant women may experience this condition. Gestational diabetes is a manageable condition and with the right precautions, you can have a safe and healthy delivery!

What is gestational diabetes?

This is a condition where a pregnant mother cannot make enough insulin for the body. Insulin is the hormone responsible for making sure sugar is allowed to enter your body’s cells for energy. However, when not enough insulin is produced, your cells will not be able to uptake the sugar, causing there to be high sugar levels left in the blood. Typically, symptoms are not present with this condition.1 The best way to prevent gestational diabetes is to maintain a healthy body weight through diet and exercise prior to pregnancy.

Testing and Treatment

Gestational diabetes develops around the 24th week of pregnancy. Your provider should request blood work around this time to check for elevated blood sugar. If results suggest gestational diabetes, it is important to continue to follow-up with your provider as suggested throughout the duration of your pregnancy. Your provider can help you develop a diet and physical activity plan best suited for your pregnancy. If needed, you may be prescribed medication to help regulate your blood sugar levels.

Other outcomes to consider

While there may not be any symptoms of gestational diabetes during your pregnancy, there are other complications associated with this condition . The mother will be at increased risk for hypertension during pregnancy and will have a 50% chance of developing Type 2 diabetes later in life. Furthermore, the baby is at risk of higher birth weight which may require a cesarean-section and the child may also be at higher risk of developing diabetes later in life. 

While gestational diabetes is linked with other complications, there are actionable steps you can take to decrease your risk of developing gestational diabetes. At Trust Women’s Healthcare we provide counseling for women planning to conceive or in the early stage of their pregnancy. Do not delay, schedule an appointment with us!

  1. CDC. Gestational Diabetes. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Published March 2, 2022. Accessed October 28, 2023. https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/basics/gestational.html

Seeing the Similarities: Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are two common sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) prevalent among those of reproductive age.  Despite the different names, these infections are quite similar. Keep reading for a comparison regarding these STIs.

What they have in common

  • Similarity 1: Bacterial origin.
    Both of these infections are caused by bacteria. This is in contrast to other sexually transmitted infections, such as the human papilloma virus and Trichomoniasis, a parasitic infection.
  • Similarity 2:  Mode of transmission.
    Both of these infections can be transmitted through vaginal, oral, and anal sex. Thus, it is important to use condoms to minimize risk of potential infections.
  • Similarity 3: Symptoms.
    As previously mentioned, it is possible to be asymptomatic despite testing positive for these infections. If symptoms are present, yellow discharge, painful or frequent urination, vaginal bleeding, and rectal discharge or bleeding can be expected. If left untreated, complications can arise such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
  • Similarity 4: These pathogens can infect the eye.
    Infected genital fluids to the eye can lead to conjunctivitis, also known as “pink eye”.

Both of these infections are caused by bacteria. This is in contrast to other sexually transmitted infections, such as the human papilloma virus and Trichomoniasis, a parasitic infection.

Acknowledging the differences

Despite having many similarities, there are differences between these infections because they are caused by different bacteria. Chlamydia is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, and gonorrhea is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae.  Because of this, these conditions may be treated by different antibiotic medication to ensure the infection is completely cleared. Thus, it is essential to seek regular STI testing to ensure your sexual health is managed properly. 

As stated, these infections are common and luckily there is a cure. Take ownership of your sexual health and schedule an appointment for STI screening. 

  1.   Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis. Accessed October 6, 2023. https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/chlamydia-gonorrhea-and-syphilis
  2.  Mohseni M, Sung S, Takov V. Chlamydia. In: StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing; 2023. Accessed October 6, 2023. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537286/
  3.   Detailed STD Facts – Gonorrhea. Published April 10, 2023. Accessed October 6, 2023. https://www.cdc.gov/std/gonorrhea/stdfact-gonorrhea-detailed.htm

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