Abnormal Menstrual Cycle/Vaginal Bleeding

Women usually begin their menstrual cycle after the onset of puberty. A typical menstrual period occurs at an interval of 24 to 35 days, and bleeding can last up to 7  days. A woman will stop having their period during pregnancy and will typically not resume during the early months of breastfeeding. The menstruation cycle ends with the onset of menopause which usually occurs at an average age of 51 years old. . Menstruation plays a significant role in a woman’s reproductive system, and the timing of periods is a significant indicator used in planning a pregnancy. 

Without the usage of hormonal contraceptives, periods can be regular or irregular. Regular means that the period is roughly the same in length and heaviness each cycle. Irregular periods can vary between heavy and light, painful and without pain from month to month. Normal can be a broad range and is mostly dependent from individual to individual.

As alluded to above, the usage of different types of contraceptives can alter the menstrual cycle. Talk with your doctor or medical provider about what to expect.

The doctors and medical staff at Trust Women’s Healthcare specialize in managing abnormal, heavy, infrequent menstrual cycles, periods, or absent menopausal symptoms. Our team of specialists will identify the underlying cause and create a treatment plan that works for you. Treatments can range from medical therapies to referrals for surgical options.  

What is abnormal menstruation?

Symptoms of abnormal menstrual cycles can vary, but they usually include one or more of the following:

  • Periods that start and continue to become significantly heavier than usual
  • The time between periods falls below 21 days or above 35 days
  • Your period lasts greater than seven days
  • Absence of your period for more than 90 days
  • Bleeding in between periods
  • Significant pain or discomfort during your period

Symptoms of abnormal menstrual cycle/vaginal bleeding

Common symptoms of abnormal vaginal bleeding include spotting or bleeding in between or after periods, heavy bleeding, bleeding after menopause, and bleeding after sexual intercourse. 

Causes of abnormal vaginal bleeding

There are many different reasons that a woman may have abnormal bleeding. Identifying the underlying cause is critical to help return to normal menstruation. Causes range from stress to other underlying medical conditions. 

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that has a symptom of irregular periods. The treatment, in this case, would feature medications or therapies to address the hormonal balance.

Some additional causes of abnormal periods include:

  • Stress: Stress hormones can cause periods to be delayed or not occur at all.
  • Weight fluctuation: Research has shown that an increase in weight can increase insulin, which can interfere with your cycle.
  • Medications: Medications including anti-epileptics, anti-psychotic, steroids, and birth control can cause abnormal periods.
  • Fibroids: Fibroids present in the uterus can cause extra bleeding during menstruation causing heavier periods.
  • Endometriosis: When endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus, it can lead to pain during your periods, heavy bleeding, and pain during intercourse.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): PID is a  bacterial infection that can be sexually transmitted and it is characterized by the irregular menstrual cycle

Importance of treating irregular periods 

Overlooking menstrual irregularities could lead to serious health complications in women, including infertility, anemia, and uterine cancer. The condition alone can take a toll on their body. Overproduction of estrogen and the imbalance of progesterone can lead to cancer or benign growth formation on the lining of the womb.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you bleed when not on your period?

Yes. Bleeding or spotting in between your menstrual periods can be caused by many factors. Vaginal bleeding that occurs outside of your menstrual period is abnormal.

Can stress cause vaginal bleeding?

Yes. Research has shown that stress can cause vaginal bleeding.

When should you go to the hospital for bleeding?

You should go to the hospital if you are experiencing heavy bleeding with severe pain and/or soaking through 4 or more pads or tampons in one hour.

Is it normal to gush blood on your period?

Yes. Blood can sit in the vagina when you are lying or sitting down. If that happens and you get up, you can feel a gush, which is normal. Some women also experience a gush when coughing, sneezing or laughing.

What does it mean when your menstrual cycle changes every month?

Your menstrual cycle changing monthly can be a part of your normal cycle or can occur due to a variety of reasons.

How much delay in periods is normal?

Delays in your period for more than two months without a positive pregnancy test should be evaluated.

Why Trust Women’s Healthcare

Finding the right doctor when you have abnormal menstrual cycles in Brooklyn could be challenging. This is where Trust Women’s Healthcare could be your trusted doctor’s office.  

In addition to the highest level of care and commitment, we pride ourselves on working towards our vision, which features your future, providing a future with optimum well-being and happiness.

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