Low Libido & Sexual Medications

Libido, or sexual desire, in women varies from individual to individual. It is important to stress that there is no absolute right or wrong level. Several factors may influence a woman’s libido including hormone levels, relationships, stress levels, lifestyle, and medications.

Low libido treatment in women starts with determining the underlying causes and tailoring a treatment plan to address them.

Causes of Low Libido 

As previously noted, there are no right or wrong levels of libido in women. Additionally, it is typical for libido levels to fluctuate based on internal and external factors. You should schedule an appointment to discuss with a medical professional if your libido remains at low levels for a prolonged period.  

Some primary causes of low libido in women include:

  • Fluctuating hormone levels: fall in estrogen (the women sex hormone) & testosterone levels can trigger additional symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and lessened sexual responsiveness, all of which can lead to low libido.
  • Premature, induced, or surgical menopause can cause hormone level fluctuations, of which low libido is a side effect.
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) triggered due to hormone level changes.
  • Psychological factors including stress, low self-esteem, poor body image, depression, and anxiety can adversely affect women’s sexual drive.
  • Poor relationship with your partner or lack of connection during intercourse. 
  • Physical causes include pain during sex, medical conditions, surgery, and fatigue.

Managing and Treating Low Libido

Before investigating how to treat low libido, it is crucial to understand that there is no such thing as a “normal” libido. Additionally, it is perfectly normal for you and your partner to have different levels of libidos. The difference in levels does not make either partner right or wrong, and communication and understanding between partners are essential.

That said, there are various means to diagnose and treat low libido in women, including physical examinations. These include:

  • A pelvic checkup and examination of reproductive organs to diagnose any signs of physical changes that might have contributed to low sexual desire.
  • Blood tests to identify additional concerns, including hormone levels, diabetes, and cholesterol. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes Low Sex Drive in Women?

Low sex drive in women can be caused by medical or psychiatric conditions.

What causes female pain during sex (dyspareunia)?

Pain during sex can be caused by vaginal dryness, after surgery such as a hysterectomy or infections.

How can I overcome pain during intercourse?

Pain during sex is not normal. Persistent pain during intercourse requires an evaluation for the cause.

Why Trust Women’s Healthcare

Finding the right women’s healthcare in Brooklyn who has experience managing the symptoms that come with low libido may prove challenging. At Trust Women’s Healthcare, we have the expertise to help from diagnosis to management and beyond.

In addition to the highest level of care and commitment, we pride ourselves on working towards our vision, which features your future, providing a future with optimum well-being and happiness.

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